Aug 17 - Oct 29
Thurs - Sun: 10-6pm

Our sunflower fields are the perfect place for you to capture the perfect Instagram-worthy moment or simply take in the surroundings. Whether you're searching for the perfect apple for baking or looking to enjoy a crisp bite right then and there, our orchard offers a wide selection of apples to suit every taste. Bring your family and friends, and make it a memorable day of outdoor adventure and natural beauty at Woody's Orchard. Don't miss out on this seasonal delight – join us for sunflower and apple picking and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime!
Apple picking starts mid August and lasts through the end of October and sunflowers begin early September!
subscribe to learn when tickets go on sale!

entrance fee
filled vase
*sunflowers bloom in Sept.
*additional cost for blooms
U-Pick Apples
per quarter peck bag*
*required purchase of 1 bag for every 2 guests over 5
It's All Happening
Come Enjoy Our Farm Fun activities!

*Costs Extra. Check Pricing for more info.